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COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccines Now Available To Mississippi Children Aged 5-11

student getting vaccine

Mississippi children aged 5-11 are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, expanding full access to vaccination to the widest range of Mississippians in the pandemic. As of Monday, state health departments across the Magnolia State are delivering free shots of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine to school-aged children. Parents looking to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 should sign up at the Mississippi State Department of Health’s scheduling website or speak to their primary care providers to schedule a dose elsewhere.

School Choice and School Quality: Mississippi Charter Schools on the Rise

Dr. Lisa Karmacharya, executive director of the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board, writes that the board established by the Mississippi Legislature authorizes high-quality charter schools that expand opportunities for underserved students and increase access to good public schools.