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Duvalier Malone reflects on the tragic death of Carlos Collins, a 25-year-old nurse who was killed on April 9, 2024. “Despite his repeated attempts to seek protection from an ex-boyfriend, Marcus Johnson, a former police officer, his pleas were met with inadequate responses,” he writes. Photo courtesy Carlos Collins/Facebook

Opinion | A Call for Justice and Reflection: Honoring the Life of Carlos Collins

Editor’s Note: The following article talks about domestic violence and may be difficult for some readers. The Office Against Interpersonal Violence within the Mississippi Department of Health maintains a hotline for people experiencing domestic abuse. Those who need help can call 1-800-898-3234 or 601-981-9196.

In the early hours of a serene morning on April 9, 2024, a tragedy unfolded in Jackson, Miss., shaking the core of our community. Carlos Collins, a dedicated nurse and a cherished member of the LGBTQ+ community, was brutally taken from us. As we mourn the loss of Carlos, this moment calls for both reflection and action to resonate deeply within us as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that still plague our community.

Carlos, at just 25 years old, exemplified compassion and commitment in every aspect of his life. Known for his dedication at the Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, where he was repeatedly nominated as a top nurse, Carlos touched the lives of many with his care and kindness. His passion for helping others was not just a profession, but a calling. Beyond his professional life, he was a beloved brother, friend and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. His tragic death is not just a loss for his family and friends but for all who fight for a world where love, not fear, defines our existence.

The circumstances surrounding Carlos’s death are harrowing. Despite his repeated attempts to seek protection from an ex-boyfriend, Marcus Johnson, a former police officer, his pleas were met with inadequate responses. Carlos had taken all the proper steps, including filing a restraining order. Yet, the system that was supposed to protect him failed. Investigators allege that his ex-boyfriend continued to stalk him, culminating in an act of fatal violence that has left our community reeling. Johnson faces charges for his alleged actions.

‘Restraining Orders Are Not Just Pieces of Paper’

This tragedy underscores the critical need for adequate protections for those at risk, especially within the LGBTQ+ community. It is unacceptable that someone with the courage to report stalking and threats is not safeguarded. As we seek justice for Carlos, we also demand accountability and reform. Our advocacy must aim at systemic changes to ensure that restraining orders are not just pieces of paper, but robust shields that protect us from harm.

Moreover, Carlos’s story is a painful reminder of the particular vulnerabilities LGBTQ+ individuals face, especially those entangled in relationships with abusive partners. Domestic violence in our community is an issue that often goes under-reported and inadequately addressed, obscured by stigma and fear. We must bring this issue to light and ensure that all individuals know they are not alone and that support is available.

“The best tribute we can offer Carlos is to fight for a future he believed in—a future where no one else has to endure what he went through,” Duvalier Malone writes. Photo courtesy Clem Collins

As we honor Carlos’s memory, let us channel our grief into action. We must work together to strengthen our community’s safety nets. We must advocate for better training for law enforcement on LGBTQ+ issues, ensuring they understand the community’s specific needs and the best practices for protecting us. We must also push for laws that provide clear and enforceable measures to protect individuals from domestic violence and stalking.

This is also a call to our community and allies to remain vigilant and supportive of one another. Check in with your friends and loved ones, offer support to those who may be in difficult situations, and continue to educate yourselves and others about the resources available for those experiencing domestic violence.

In memory of Carlos, let us also reaffirm our commitment to fostering environments where love thrives over hate, diversity is celebrated, and everyone feels safe and valued. The best tribute we can offer Carlos is to fight for a future he believed in—a future where no one else has to endure what he went through.

As we reflect on Carlos’s life and the circumstances of his untimely departure, let us remember him in mourning and through our actions. Let his courage inspire us to face adversities, both personal and professional. May his legacy be a catalyst for change and a beacon of hope for those who feel unheard and unprotected.

To Carlos, your life was a beacon of light and hope to many, and while you are no longer with us, your spirit will continue to inspire. Rest in power, Carlos. We will continue the fight, not just in memory of you but for our community’s betterment.

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